Current number of hotels and bedrooms

Barcelona city offers today 37,501 rooms in all categories, and has new projects for around 2,529 more to be completed in the coming years. Hereby follows a list of hotels, categories and sleeping capacity of hotels in the city.  VAT on accommodation is 10%.

Category Hotels Rooms Beds

5* GL 15 2,897 5,739
5* 12 1,944 3,768
4* 160 20,023 40,024
3* 127 9,270 17,983
2* 37 2,105 3,903
1* 34 1,262 2,290

Total 385 37,501 73,707


Hotels to be completed by 2014:

Category Hotels Rooms

5* GL 2 216
5* 2 138
4* 19 1,626
3* 3 180
1* 3 369
To be determine 1 0

Total 30 2,529